Audio Qbank – Q177 – A 22M with vomiting


A 22-year-old male has vomited four times during the past six hours after eating fish tacos at dinner. Which of the following is the most likely set of arterial findings in this patient?


↑ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↑ pH
↑ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↓ pH
↑ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↔ pH
↑ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↑ pH
↑ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↓ pH
↑ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↔ pH
↓ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↑ pH
↓ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↓ pH
↓ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↔ pH
↓ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↑ pH
↓ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↓ pH
↓ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↔ pH


Cut-to-the-chase Answer (0:38):
HY USMLE Answer (3:16):