Audio Qbank – Q138 – A 14F with fatigue


A 14-year-old girl is brought to the GP by her mother for a 3-month history of fatigue. She has also been socializing less with friends. Vitals are: temperature 98.7F, HR 55, RR 14, BP 117/75. BMI is 23. Menses started at the age of 11 and have recently become longer and heavier. Her last menstrual period was two weeks ago. This patient’s diagnosis is most likely to demonstrate which of the following histologic findings?


  Fibrotic stroma
  Follicular hyperplasia
  Granulomas (caseating)
  Granulomas (non-caseating)
  Lymphocytic infiltration


Cut-to-the-chase Answer (0:55):
HY USMLE Answer (5:53):