Audio Qbank – Q153 – An 8M with high serum glucose


An 8-year-old boy is brought to hospital because of a 4-hour history of confusion and irritability. Vitals are: temperature 98.6F, HR 95, RR 20, BP 105/75. Laboratory studies show a serum glucose of 380 mg/dL and an arterial pH of 7.20. Which of the following sets of findings is most likely in this patient?


  ↑ Serum K+; ↑ Serum Na+; ↑ Total body K+
  ↑ Serum K+; ↑ Serum Na+; ↓ Total body K+
  ↑ Serum K+; ↓ Serum Na+; ↑ Total body K+
  ↑ Serum K+; ↓ Serum Na+; ↓ Total body K+
  ↓ Serum K+; ↑ Serum Na+; ↑ Total body K+
  ↓ Serum K+; ↑ Serum Na+; ↓ Total body K+
  ↓ Serum K+; ↓ Serum Na+; ↑ Total body K+
  ↓ Serum K+; ↓ Serum Na+; ↓ Total body K+


Cut-to-the-chase Answer (1:21):
HY USMLE Answer (4:32):