Audio Qbank – Q178 – A 30M with diarrhea


A 30-year-old male returns from a trip from Mexico and has profuse watery diarrhea six times over the past four hours. Which of the following is the most likely set of arterial findings in this patient?


↑ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↑ pH
↑ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↓ pH
↑ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↑ pH
↑ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↓ pH
↓ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↑ pH
↓ HCO3; ↑ pCO2; ↓ pH
↓ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↑ pH
↓ HCO3; ↓ pCO2; ↓ pH


Cut-to-the-chase Answer (0:31):
HY USMLE Answer (2:42):