Audio Qbank – Q184 – A 16F with worsening tinnitus


A 16-year-old girl is brought to hospital by her mother for worsening tinnitus. She is active in sports and has been taking high-dose aspirin for the past two weeks to help with muscle pain. She appears slightly lethargic. She is afebrile. Which of the following combinations of electrolytes (mEq/L) and pH is most likely to be seen in this patient?


Na+ 126; K+ 4.5; Cl98; HCO3 18; pH 7.29
Na+ 132; K+ 5.1; Cl 102; HCO3 20; pH 7.32
Na+ 136; K+ 3.7; Cl 105; HCO3 20; pH 7.33
Na+ 142; K+ 4.5; Cl104; HCO3 20; pH 7.34
Na+ 145; K+ 4.3; Cl98; HCO3 29; pH 7.46


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