Audio Qbank – Q185 – A 21M with microscopic polyangiitis


A 21-year-old man with renal failure secondary to microscopic polyangiitis presents to his nephrologist for a follow-up consultation. Which of the following combinations of electrolytes (mEq/L) is most likely in this patient?


Ca2+ 7.3; PO43- 2.1; Vitamin D3 (24,25-OH2) ↑
Ca2+ 7.7 PO43- 4.9; Vitamin D3 (24,25-OH2)
Ca2+ 8.2; PO43- 5.7; Vitamin D3 (24,25-OH2)
Ca2+ 9.6; PO43- 3.4; Vitamin D3 (24,25-OH2)
Ca2+ 10.4; PO43- 6.1; Vitamin D3 (24,25-OH2)


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