HY USMLE Q #1135 – Cardiopulm

A 54-year-old man comes to the physician for a 1-month history of dry cough that is worse in the morning. He also has a 6-month history of progressive shortness of breath with exertion. He drinks 2 beers daily. He is a non-smoker. Vitals are normal. Exercise echocardiography shows an ejection fraction of 65% with moderate exertion. Jugular venous pulsations are 3cm above the sternal angle. Liver edge is not palpable. There is no peripheral edema. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

 Cor pulmonale
 Congestive heart failure
 Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
  Interstitial lung disease
  Primary pulmonary hypertension

One Comment on “HY USMLE Q #1135 – Cardiopulm”

    DR. i ‘ve passed my exams.
    i am at cloud nine…so so pleased to have a mentor like you…
    your pdfs are fabulous nothing can beat it ,stands out.
    thanks thanks thanks……

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