Neuro pharm – Parkinson drugs

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HY points followed by a quiz at the end

Dopamine 2 (D2) receptor agonists

  • Parkinson disease is caused by loss of dopamine-secreting neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta.
  • D2 agonists are usually first-line treatment.
  • D2 is the main dopamine receptor in the CNS relating to motor function.


  • Also used for prolactinoma. (Not mandatory that prolactinoma must be treated with bromocriptine, but I’ve seen this agent specifically as the answer on NBME exams).

Ropinirole, Pramipexole

  • Also used for restless leg syndrome (have seen these as answers on NBME forms).
  • Restless leg syndrome is most commonly caused by iron deficiency anemia. So check serum iron and ferritin first. If abnormal, give iron. If normal, give ropinerole or pramipexole.


  • Another D2 agonist used for Parkinson disease. Just know its MOA.

Other Parkinson agents


MOA of amantadine?

  • Increases presynaptic release of dopamine.

Notable side-effect of amantadine?

  • Can cause livedo reticularis (a weird lacy rash on the legs).


MOA of levodopa/carbidopa?

  • Levodopa (L-Dopa) is the precursor of dopamine (i.e., it’s converted to dopamine via L-Dopa decarboxylase and vitamin B6).
  • L-Dopa crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB); dopamine does not.
  • If we give dopamine to a patient with Parkinson disease, not only will it not cross the BBB, but it has cardiovascular effects (which we want to avoid).
  • So if we give L-Dopa, that will cross the BBB. However, it will be broken down peripherally by an enzyme called catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT).
  • Carbidopa is an analogue of L-Dopa that functions as a competitive inhibitor of COMT (i.e., COMT will act on carbidopa instead of L-Dopa), allowing L-Dopa to cross the BBB.

HY side-effect of levodopa/carbidopa for USMLE?

  • Increasing the dose in some patients can cause psychosis. This is HY on the Psych shelf for 2CK. Simply reduce dose as the treatment.
    • 72M + Parkinson disease on L-Dopa/carbidopa + dose was recently increased + now has auditory hallucinations; what do we do? –> answer = “decrease the dose of L-Dopa/carbidopa”; the wrong answer is “stop L-Dopa/carbidopa.”

Entacapone, Tolcapone

MOA of entacapone and tolcapone?

  • Inhibit catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT).
  • Prevent breakdown of L-Dopa peripherally so that it can better cross the BBB.


MOA of selegiline?

  • Inhibits monoamine oxidase B (MOAB).
  • MOAB has ↑ effect on breaking down dopamine in the synaptic cleft.
  • So selegiline prevents breakdown of dopamine in the synaptic cleft.

Benztropine, Trihexyphenidyl

MOA of benztropine and trihexyphenidyl?

  • Muscarinic receptor antagonists.
  • Don’t directly treat Parkinson disease as they don’t relate to dopamine.
  • Purpose is to relieve symptoms caused by increased muscular rigidity (i.e., cogwheel rigidity).
  • Detailed post on anti-muscarinics here.

1. Name four D2 agonists.

2. When is bromocriptine classically the answer on USMLE apart from use in Parkinson disease?

3. When are ropinirole and pramipexole the answers on USMLE apart from use in Parkinson disease?

4. MOA of pergolide?

5. MOA of ropinirole?

6. MOA of pramipexole?

7. MOA of amantadine?

8. Notable side-effect of amantadine?

9. MOA of levodopa/carbidopa?

10. HY side-effect of levodopa/carbidopa for USMLE?

11. MOA of entacapone and tolcapone?

12. MOA of selegiline?

13. MOA of benztropine?

14. MOA of trihexyphenidyl?

15. Name two anticholinergic agents used in Parkinson disease.

16. What is a monoamine oxidase B (MOAB) inhibitor used for Parkinson disease?

17. Name two agents that inhibit catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT).

18. 72M + Parkinson disease on L-Dopa/carbidopa + dose was recently increased + now has auditory hallucinations; what do we do?

19. Which agent used for Parkinson disease increases presynaptic release of dopamine?

20. Which agent used for Parkinson disease is associated with a lacy body rash?